Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Its on!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Start of week one

Monday, August 3, 2009
The start to a good thing
Thank you everyone who has decided to participate in the "Biggest Loser" challenge! Here is the information you need.
Starting date: August 16th
Ending date: November 15th
weigh-in days: Sundays
Time: 5:30-6:00pm
place: Grace Baptist Church
how it works:
Its not about who loses the most lbs.. whoever has the largest weight loss % wins. (max weight - min weight) / max weight ...just like the show ;0)
Depending on how many people sign up, we might do a first and second place prize. Another suggestion was separate the men and women. its open for discussion. let me know your thoughts. now that its only $10 i think more people will sign up.
This will be the main site for our weight loss competition. I will keep it updated with weekly work out activities, top three weight losses, links to my favorite (or suggested) health websites or heath tools, scripture for encouragement and so on. the ideas are endless. you don't have to have an account to leave comments. just leave anonymous comments but remember to leave your name!!
Things to know
1. you can sign up at anytime during the competition. just remember that leaves you with less time to lose weight. $10 must be paid at your first weigh in.
2. we will be using the same scale for every weigh in. no shoes or heavy clothing to start! sneaky people ;0)
3. although its ok to miss weigh-ins (things happen, i understand) please do your best to make It every week. we have them for the motivation..and pressure ;0)
4. first and last weigh-in must be done in person at the correct time!
5. If you have to miss a week you can weigh yourself at home (at the correct time HONOR SYSTEM!) and text your weight or call it in. (number will be up soon)
6. your weight will be kept private. you don't have to weigh in in front of everyone!
7. there will be no refunds!
8. every week i will post the top three weight losses. don't worry, i wont post your weight. just how much you lost!
9. INVITE FRIENDS!!! the more people we have the biggest the prize ;0)
10. before and after pictures will be taken but not posted unless you want them to be!!
For those of us who need more then three months to lose weight, no worries! once the three months is up we will just start over again. At least that's my plan.
Even though there is a cash prize at the end, lets keep in mind that the real prize is being healthy and setting good examples for our loved ones. Even if you don't win the money at the end, i guarantee if you work hard and stay motivated through the process the end results will be totally worth it!
feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. Want to add a link or a story?. ashleyhylton20@yahoo.com or leave a message directly on this blog
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
—Philippians 4:13